Published: 23/09/2017

Fleet Insurance For Lorries And HGVs - All You Need To Know

Truck and Lorry Fleet Insurance - All You Need To Know…

While it would be fair to say that there’s a good deal of misunderstanding when it comes to car fleet insurance – many are surprised that fleet cover can be taken out on just 2 vehicles – it's as nothing when compared to lorry fleet insurance or truck fleet insurance

As a small or medium sized business owner whether they have considered taking out truck or lorry fleet insurance and they invariably reply that it’s not for them as they don’t have a huge number of lorries and other heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) in need of cover.  But as with car fleet insurance, truck and lorry fleet insurance can be for them as it’s a far more flexible type of cover than you might think…

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Published: 06/04/2017

What is the Ogden Rate and why are my premiums going up?

What is the Ogden Rate?

The Ogden Rate, also called the ‘discount rate’ is used to calculate the level of compensation a person who suffers personal injury receives over their lifetime. It works on the principle that the compensation awarded will gain interest over time and this more significant with larger claims from more serious injuries.

Why has it changed?

The change in the discount rate is a consequence of the low interest levels in recent years resulting in a review by the Lord Chancellor. The review concluded an adjustment of rate should apply and came in to effect on 20th March 2017, reducing it from 2.5% to -0.75%.

How does this affect insurance premiums?

An example from Allianz Insurance uses a 30 year old man earning £25,000 a year suffering serious injuries and requiring care for the rest of his life. Before the reduction in the Ogden rate, the amount due from the insurer would have been calculated at £2,791,000 and after 20th March 2017, £6,325,000. This extra cost to the insurers can only be recovered by increasing premiums.

What premiums will be affected?

Premiums will increase on all policies which are affected by personal injury claims meaning an impact on millions of motor policy holders whether it’s a car, van or fleet insurance as well as other policies covering liability insurance, particularly business insurance. PricewaterhouseCoopers estimated recently that comprehensive motor insurance policies could increase by up to £75 on average but up to £1000 for young drivers.

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Published: 15/11/2016

Truck and HGV Insurance Guide 2022

Truck and HGV Insurance Guide

 Owning and running a truck or heavy goods vehicle (HGV) is an expensive business and it’s essential to have the right truck or HGV insurance cover in place should anything happen.  But what exactly is the right truck or HGV insurance?  In this brief guide to truck and HGV insurance, getaquoteinsurance – the truck, lorry and HGV insurance experts – give you all you need to know in order to get the truck insurance that’s right for you.

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Published: 10/10/2016

10 Ways To Cut Fleet Insurance Costs

Fleet Insurance: 10 Easy Ways to Save

No one wants to pay more for their fleet insurance than they absolutely have to. Be it a large fleet, mini fleet or van fleet, being able to keep the cost of fleet insurance down can make a real difference to a fleet’s affordability. Having spent many years as an independent insurance broker specialising in fleet policies, here at Getaquoteinsurance we’ve learnt a few things about how to save on your fleet insurance quotes and so here are our 10 easy ways to save on your policy.

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Published: 19/09/2016

Electric Car Fleets - Coming Soon...?

Electric Car Fleets: Coming Soon…?

Will we soon see fleets of electric cars on our roads?  Electric cars seem to be everywhere at the moment; in the news, in the motoring forums and finally on our streets. With major car manufacturers such as Ford, VW and Honda seemingly pinning their futures on electric cars, and with the UK predicted to have more electric car charging points by 2020 than petrol stations, the momentum behind electric cars does seem to be building. The latest sign of mass adoption came last month when Uber rolled out an electric taxi fleet in London.  But will they make it into the famously conservative fleet sector?

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